Expertly designed Physio programs to address your specific needs.

6 & 12-week Physio Programs

  • GLA:D arthritis program

    The GLA:D Australia program is specifically designed for hip and knee arthritis and consists of education and exercise sessions. The exercise sessions improve your strength and joint control, ultimately reducing pain levels, improving quality of life and reducing the need for surgery.

  • Chronic Pain program

    Chronic pain is often driven by a multitude of factors and therefore requires a well rounded and thorough treatment approach. Our expert Physiotherapists address various domains including pain education, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, fatigue management, flare-up management and lifestyle coaching. We teach you about your injury and your body’s pain system and give you the tools to manage effectively.

  • Falls & Balance program

    As we age our risk of falling increases, which can result in injuries and hospital admissions. We aim to reduce falls risk by improving strength and balance, as well as addressing factors that contribute to falls such as obstacles or inappropriate gait aids. Participants are coached through an individually tailored exercise program as well as prescribed a home program to perform independently.

I just need a physio appointment.

If our specific programs are not what you’re looking for, be assured an appointment with one of our expert Physiotherapists will allow for a thorough assessment and individualised treatment plan.

We offer different types of Physiotherapy and treat a broad range of injuries and conditions.

Small Group Exercise Classes

  • Clinical Pilates classes

    Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise that focuses on optimal movement patterns, mindful posture and core control. It incorporates strength, balance, flexibility, and breath control exercises to help you move more freely with less pain. Pilates is suitable for all ages, abilities, injuries and conditions.

    Small class sizes (maximum 3 people) allow your Physiotherapist to coach you through your individualised program whilst also making exercise modifications and technique corrections where appropriate. A handful of 1:1 appointments are required initially to create your program. The number required will depend on your injury and your Pilates experience.

    Learn more about Clinical Pilates.

  • Fit & Strong classes

    Perform your individual program under the guidance and supervision of a professional. Programs comprise of gym based exercises that aim to improve strength, endurance and flexibility. All exercises are individually prescribed to ensure they are specific and appropriate to your fitness and ability level, whilst taking into consideration your injuries and personal health history.

    Our class schedule is growing so please contact us to enquire about times and availability, or for more information.