Empowering Adults

At Best Physiotherapy in Footscray, we can offer generalised women’s and men’s health complaints and can provide on-referral where required. We provide pregnancy pilates and yoga to assist in improving your function and strength. We also provide expert management post fractures and surgeries.

Women’s Health

There is a diverse range of conditions that may impact women throughout their lives. Women's health encompasses a broad spectrum of concerns, including:

  • Incontinence and bladder or bowel issues - Incontinence or bladder and bowel leakage can be common issues for women. Additionally, chronic pelvic pain, including conditions like endometriosis and muscle spasms, can affect quality of life.

  • Pregnancy and early parenthood-related concerns - Pregnancy and early parenthood can bring about a range of physical challenges. Back or sacroiliac joint pain during pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and mastitis are among the issues women may encounter. Our physiotherapists are here to provide support and relief during this transformative period.

  • Pelvic health at different life stages - Conditions such as prolapse and incontinence may affect women at various stages of life. These issues often go unnoticed, but they can be successfully managed with physiotherapy. Our methods include biofeedback, pelvic floor exercises, postural and breathing exercises, and support pessary fitting, all tailored to individual needs.

  • Menopause and beyond - Menopause can uncover pelvic health problems for the first time, with incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse becoming common issues. Proper care and rehabilitation are essential, particularly if access to women's health physiotherapy was limited pre and post-pregnancy.

    Exercise is vital during this life stage to maintain weight and bone density. We can assist women in developing the most appropriate exercise programs to enhance fitness while improving pelvic health.

Men’s Health

Men's health concerns extend to issues affecting the male pelvis and surrounding areas. Problems can include bladder, bowel, sexual, or pelvic floor issues.

  • Bladder and prostate-related concerns: Bladder leakage, weak urine stream, and prostate issues can have significant impacts on men's lives.

  • Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction, often linked to pelvic floor muscle weakness, can be effectively managed through a male health specialist physiotherapist.

  • Pelvic pain: Pain in the penis or anus may be related to pudendal neuralgia, which affects the pudendal nerve.

  • Post-prostate surgery recovery: After prostate surgery, men may experience incontinence or erectile dysfunction. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation and recovery, helping strengthen the pelvic floor.

  • Bladder health: Regular bladder habits are essential to maintaining healthy bladder function. Frequent urination, urgency, and urgency incontinence can result from not holding on.


Fractures or broken bones are common injuries throughout life. While most fractures heal without complications, some may require specialized treatment. We offer expert care for various types of fractures, including:

  • Simple fractures: Commonly undisplaced, greenstick, or buckle fractures, often treated with casts or splints.

  • Complex fractures: Displaced, open, fracture dislocations, or comminuted fractures may require procedures to realign and stabilize the fracture.

  • Peri-prosthetic fractures: In cases where a person has metal plates or joint replacements, fractures at the site of the metal or joint replacement are known as peri-prosthetic fractures.

  • Pre & post-natal: Pregnancy and post-natal periods can bring about various physical challenges, such as low back pain, hip discomfort, pelvic pain, and pelvic floor issues. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in addressing these concerns, including:

  • Pain relief: We provide treatments and advice to alleviate common aches and pains during pregnancy, such as low back pain, hip pain, and more.

  • Strengthening and coordination: Our physiotherapists can help you strengthen and coordinate abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, offering tailored exercises and guidance.

  • Supportive measures: We offer support belts, compression pants, and treatment options like massage or ultrasound to enhance comfort.

  • Educational support: We educate you on your condition, provide posture advice, and offer practical tips for reducing pain and discomfort.

At Best Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to providing specialized care to aging adults, ensuring a healthy and active lifestyle throughout various life stages. Our team of experts is here to empower you in your journey to better health and well-being.


Supporting Your Health Journey During Pregnancy and Beyond


Empowering Adolescents to Conquer Physical Challenges